Reimagining REaction

RE:action has been back this summer and Michael has had a baptism of fire as he has taken on the preparation and planning of workshops and liaising with Churches. We had a great day in the sunshine at Driffield Methodist Church with Year 5 and 6 pupils from Driffield Junior School exploring big questions about life such as ‘Hope’ and ‘Overcoming Hurdles’ with drama, reflective space and some mini-sports.

Earlier in the week we also had the opportunity to go into Skidby CE Primary School with the support of St Michael’s Church where we looked at ‘Hope’ and ‘Ultimate Questions’ with Year 6 pupils as they prepare to move on in the summer.

These were both great opportunities to help Year 6 pupils to reflect on some of the bigger questions about life and their thoughts about the future (hopes and worries) as they prepare to move to secondary schools. This can be a difficult time as well as a great opportunity for them to stretch themselves and grow into new understandings of who they are. We are very glad of the opportunity to help them on that journey in a small way.

For many years RE:action has been a huge day event in a big Church that groups of schools have travelled to. In recent years, tighter budgets and other pressures have encouraged us to rethink how we can deliver RE support in a way that better suits the needs of schools. So we have started to offer RE:action in smaller ‘bitesize chunks’ that we can offer in school or in a local Church building and with local Church involvement. This is one quite easy way for a Church to be able to support the children and young people in its local school community.

With many thanks to the volunteers from Driffield Methodist Church and the support of St Michael’s, Skidby.

If your school would be interested in creative workshops that unpack aspects of the RE curriculum, or your Church would like to support RE:action to happen with your local school, please do get in touch.