Label Of Love

REaction update

“Unfortunately Label of Love has been unable to offer a full REaction programme this summer term because of limited staff […]

latest news

Our spring newsletter is now available.  Find out more at the link below Spring newsletter 2023  

Taking Stock

The last few years have seen a lot of challenges and changes (physical and mental health issues, lockdowns, and now […]

Advent REaction

In November we welcomed 190 KS1 children to Beverly Minster for our Advent REaction. We had a great day exploring […]

Job Opportunity

    This is a part-time role until the end of August 2023 as we discern what the next steps […]

Give as you shop

Did you know that you could be giving to Label of Love as you do your Christmas shopping on amazon.  […]

Advent REaction

Working in Beverley Minster with interactive workshops we’ll be exploring how some people of faith believe that light brings hope. […]

job opportunity

    This is a part-time role until the end of August 2023 as we discern what the next steps […]

The Big Green Heart

Isaiah 61:1 says ‘He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted…’   –   a foreshadowing of Jesus’ mission on […]